Developer API Information

Fetch Calendars
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When your software wants to retrieve all PinkNotes Calendars for the logged-in user you must use the /api/getCalendars API.
//API Call to get all calendars
//Generic Success Response From Server
//NOTE: When a Calendar is in a non-visible state, its items will not appear in
Fetch Calendar Events
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When your software wants to retrieve all PinkNotes Calendar Events visible to a user you must use the /api/getCalendarItemsAll API.
//API Call to get all calendar events
         &start=[STARTING TIMESTAMP]
         &end=[ENDING TIMESTAMP]
//Generic Success Response From Server
//NOTE: When a Calendar is in a non-visible state, its items will not appear in
Add/Edit Calendar Events
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When your software wants to add a new event or edit an event in a PinkNotes Calendar you must use the /api/calendarSaveItem API.

API Field Description
Field Values Default Required Description
action add or edit add Yes, to edit If not specified will be set to add.
calendarId Yes ID number of calendar you want to add/edit in.
sDate Yes The date the event will start. Do not include time.
eDate Yes The date the event will end. Do not include time.
allDay true or false false Set to true if the event is a full day event.
sTime Yes, if allDay if false The time the event will start.
eTime Yes, if allDay is false The time the event will end.
title Yes The title of the event. Max 100 chars.
description The description of the event.
calEventId Yes, only used when action is set to edit The ID of the event you want to edit.
doRemind true or false false When set to true a PinkNote will be sent to the user who created this event. The PinkNote will be sent the number of minutes before the event specified in reminderMinutes.
reminderMinutes Yes, when doRemind is true The number of minutes before the event a reminder PinkNote will be sent.
doRepeat true or false false Use to put the same event in a calender multiple times.
repeatFreq 1 to 6 Yes, when doRepeat is true Frequency at which the repeat event will be set.
repeatUnit Hour, Day, Week, Month (30 Days), Month (By Date), Year Yes, when doRepeat is true Frequency unit at which the repeat event will be set.
repeatTimes Yes, when doRepeat is true Number of times the repeat event will be set to repeat.
//API Call to add a new event (with some example data)
         &sTime=9:00 AM
         &eTime=9:30 AM
         &title=Morning Meeting
//API Call to edit an event (with some example data)
         &sTime=10:00 AM
         &eTime=10:30 AM
         &title=Morning Meeting
Delete Calendar Event
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When your software wants to delete a calendar event you must use the /api/deleteCalendarItem API.
//API Call to delete a calendar event
         id=[CALENDAR EVENT ID]
General Settings
Fetch Account Information
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To retrieve a list account infromation variables for the account of the logged in user, use the /api/getAccount API. Most of the fields are self explanitory.

The subscriptionStatus value can be one of the following:
  • Trial - Currently in account trial period
  • Active - Active, paid account
  • Free - Active, basic account
  • Inactive - Once an 'Active' paid account, but now inactive
  • Inactive Trial - Never 'Active' paid account. Signed up for trial and never upgraded account
//API Call to get all active users for a PinkNotes® acount
//Generic Success Response From Server
Fetch Account Users
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To retrieve a list of all active users for the account of the logged in user, use the /api/getUsers API.
//API Call to get all active users for a PinkNotes® acount
//Generic Success Response From Server
Fetch Single User
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To retrieve a single user for the account of the logged in user, use the /api/getUser API.
//API Call to get a single user for a PinkNotes® acount[THE USER'S ID]
//Generic Success Response From Server
Logging In
Validating Users & Cookie Creation
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When your Software wants to interface to the PinkNotes® Messaging System in any way, you must first login the desired user. This is done using the /api/loginDo API.
//API Call to Log a user into PinkNotes®
//All Fields are required®
         username=[USER'S USERNAME]
         &password=[USER'S PASSWORD]
         &account=[USER'S ACCOUNT TAG]
         &dk=[YOUR DEVELOPER KEY]
//Generic Success Response From Server
//Generic Failure Response From Server
API Overview
General Overview
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The PinkNotes API allows 3rd party developers access to PinkNotes from their own software in order to accomplish popular tasks on the PinkNotes platform. Such tasks include sending & receiving of PinkNotes, the retrieval of live user information, and much more!
Requests are sent to the server in the form of secure HTTPS requests. 99% of the API calls require that they are being made by a logged in user. That is to say that the /api/loginDo API has been called and successfully executed with no error.
//Get all active users for the account of the currently logged in user
While data is sent via HTTPS requests, data is returned from the PinkNotes messaging platform in JSON format. If you are unfamiliar with JSON, please take 5 minutes and study the Basic JSON Schema. It will help you tremendously. Note: Passwords are never present in JSON responses.
//Response From Server
//The following is SAMPLE data. Please login to view live data
Before Getting Started
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Before getting started, you must acquire your account's Developer Key. This can only be obtained by a user who has Administrative Rights by visiting their Administrative Settings. Once you find the key, we suggest that you include it in your project as a constant for future use.
Sample Send & Receive Functions
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It is important to note that once a login request is made and validated, a cookie is stored in association with that user's session. Once a user logs in using /api/loginDo, all subsequent API calls must retain the original cookie/session association. This concept will be discussed further, later, in the documentation area "Logging In".
When a request is made, the corresponding data is automatically returned (as a JSON string) so we can Send a Request and receive the appropriate data in one neat function.
//C# Example - A Function to Send/Receive while maintaining cookies by creating a CookieContainer
//C# Example - Example Usage To Get JSON for /api/getUsers
Reciving PinkNotes™
Fetch Message Folders
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To retrieve a list of all Message Folders for the logged in user, use the /api/getFolders API.
//API Call to get logged in user's PinkNotes® Groups
//Generic Success Response From Server
Fetch PinkNote™ Counts
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Fetch PinkNotes™
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Sending PinkNotes™
Fetch Userlist
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To retrieve a list of all active users on the logged in user's userlist (in their desired order) use the /api/getUsers API again, but this time, pass a userlist value to it.
//API Call to fetch a user's PinkNotes userlist
//if userlist contains any value, it is assumed true
         userlist=[ANY VALUE]
//Generic Success Response From Server
Fetch Groups
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To retrieve a list of all User Groups and Global Groups for a the logged in user, use the /api/getGroups API.
//API Call to get logged in user's PinkNotes Groups
//Generic Success Response From Server
Fetch Field Captions
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To retrieve a list of fields (types and captions) in order to populate your sending mechanism to the user's specifications, use /api/getMessageFieldCaptions API.
//API Call to get logged in user's PinkNotes Groups
//Generic Success Response From Server
//T=Text Field
//C=Checkbox Field
Sending A PinkNote™
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To send a quick PinkNote, use the /api/sendPinkNote API. If you want to establish a new login, you must set the login variable to true, otherwise a previous session will be used, if one exists.

API Field Description
Field Values Default Required Description
login true or false false Yes If true, a new login session will be created for the sending of the message, and the login session will be terminated upon completion/error. All login credentials (shown below in yellow) must be provided. Typically, true is used for the one-time sending of a message, like an alert from a third-party service.

If false, a previous login session will be used if it is available. All login credentials (shown below in yellow) should be omitted. Typically, false is used as part of a larger PinkNotes™ platform (like a third party client) that aready has a session established from the initial login.
username Yes (when login=true) The URL-Encoded username of the user the PinkNote™ is being sent by
password Yes (when login=true) The URL-Encoded password of the user the PinkNote™ is being sent by
account Yes (when login=true) The URL-Encoded account tag of the account the user the PinkNote™ is being sent by belongs to
dk Yes The Developer Key for the Developer of the software requesting the data
subject Yes The URL-Encoded subject text for the PinkNote™ being sent
msgText Yes The URL-Encoded message text for the PinkNote™ being sent
toUser1 Yes The URL-Encoded username of the first user the PinkNote™ is being sent to
toUser2, etc.. The URL-Encoded username of the 2nd (etc...) user the PinkNote™ is being sent to
fieldId1 The numeric ID of the 1st Message Field we are setting the value for
fieldValue1 Only if fieldId1 is set The value of the 1st Message Field we are setting the value for. If the field is a type T-Text, this must be a URL-Encoded string. If the field is a type C-Checkbox, the value should be the string "on" to have the field checked, or "off" to have the field unchecked
fieldId2, etc.. The numeric ID of the 2nd (etc...) Message Field we are setting the value for
fieldValue2, etc.. Only if fieldId2 (etc...) is set The value of the 2nd (etc...) Message Field we are setting the value for. If the field is a type T-Text, this must be a URL-Encoded string. If the field is a type C-Checkbox, the value should be the string "on" to have the field checked, or "off" to have the field unchecked
Field Values that are type Text (T) expect a url encoded string, and fields of type Checkbox (C) can be omitted if they should not checked, or set to 'on' if they should be checked.

Bold variables are required!
//API Call to Send a PinkNote™
         &username=[SENDER'S USERNAME]
         &password=[SENDER'S PASSWORD]
         &account=[SENDER'S ACCOUNT TAG]
         &subject=[URL ENCODED SUBJECT TEXT]
         &msgText=[URL ENCODED MESSAGE TEXT]
         &toUser1=[USERNAME OF 1ST RECIPIENT]
         &toUser2=[USERNAME OF 2ND RECIPIENT]
         &fieldValue1=[URL ENCODED VALUE OF THE 1ST FIELD]
         &fieldValue2=[URL ENCODED VALUE OF THE 2ND FIELD ]
         &fieldValue3=[URL ENCODED VALUE OF THE 3RD FIELD]
//API Call (with actual values) to Send a PinkNote™
//Generic Success Response From Server
//Generic Failure Response From Server