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What about the mobile apps and Mac version?
Please go to the download page to see all the different apps for PinkNotes.
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Steve - KGL - June 2018
How do I access the settings on my IMac.
Keith Maurino [PinkNotes Admin] - June 2018
If you click on the PinkNotes icon in the menu bar (normally you will see the icon towards the upper right hand of the screen when PinkNotes is running) that will display a menu with some options. You will see "Settings..." listed in there.
- July 2019
I have added to my iphone but the notes are not coming in please advise
- July 2019
I have added to my iphone but the notes are not coming in please advise
GAIL - November 2023
Employee bought a new andoid phone (Samsung S20 - OS Verion 13). When trying to download app he cannot access in google play store - if he goes to the website and clicks the download link it directs him to the google play store and he still cannot download. Please advise a work around to get this app installed on his android phone.
Butch - December 2023
Update yesterday made Android in compatible with Pink znotes.
Randy Fisher - September 16
I am not getting notified when I receive a pink note. All my alerts are on in my settings within the app and in my settings on my phone. Please advise.
Stacey Lynch - September 17
I too am not getting notification. Phone & app show they are on.