The current HIPAA compliance requirements that we have in PinkNotes are as follows:
- All connections to PinkNotes are encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption, to ensure your messages can only be read by who they are meant for.
- SSAE 16 (Formerly SAS 70) Audited Data Centers
- Managed Firewall Protection
- Proactive Operating System Security Patching
- Data Destruction Before Media Is Reused Or Discarded
- Advanced 24/7 Data Center Security & Access Controls
- Virus, Worm, Trojan & Malware Protection
- Recording of Data Movements of Electronic Media
- Logs of when backups are done
- Statement declaring that we will not access your data (unless requested by customer to do so)
- Six year retention of data (We actually never remove any of your message logs. HIPAA requires a minimum or six years.)
- Logging of unauthorized Access Attempts
We are currently working to make PinkNotes fully HIPAA compliant. As more HIPAA requirements are added to PinkNotes this list will be updated.
For specific security details in PinkNotes click here.If you would like further details on this please
contact us. Thanks.